The 2015-2016 school year brings us a fresh batch of faces in the junior class as they begin their journey at the STEM Academy. The junior class consists of 25 students made up of 3 students from Amherst, 1 student from Appomattox, 8 students from Bedford (1 Jefferson Forest, 4 Liberty, 3 Staunton River High School), 7 students from Campbell County (1 Altavista, 1 Brookville, 4 Rustburg, 1 William Campbell High School) and 7 from Lynchburg (3 E.C. Glass, 4 Heritage High School).
The new school year also finds us welcoming new staff to XLR8. Rex Fisher is joining the staff to teach Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Principles of Engineering, and Erin Hand joined the XLR8 staff on July 20, 2015 as the new administrative assistant.